Upgrade Waste Water Treatment 4

IONEX Waste Water Treatment - Bungard Elektronik GmbH & Co.KG

Upgrade Waste Water Treatment 4

AquaPur 1000 Plus

Advantages of the Bungard AquaPur 1000 and advantages of the Ionex KB plus pressure tank united in one machine

  • closed loop water circuit → no need for fresh water or connection to canalisation
  • Rinsing water circuit for conveyorized etching machines
  • On Demand demineralized water supply for galvanic or vertical etching machines

Properties as before In addition:

  • On demand water supply for demineralized water for through-hole-plating or vertical etching systems
  • 17 l pressure vessel, max. 3000 l / capacity theoretically possible (limited by ion exchanger
  • Continuous cleaning in by-pass
  • Main quantity is pumped back to the rinse zone of the etching or galvanic machine (mixed water rinsing).
  • Tank with demineralized water for galvanic plants overflows to the mixed water tank for conveyorized etching plants
  • Capacity and cleaning levels as above
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